APEEL™ Protective Film

About APEEL Protective Film

Versico’s labor-saving APEEL Protective Film guards the surface of TPO membrane from scuffs and dirt accumulation during installation. APEEL increases productivity and saves on costs, as it removes the need to clean the roof upon completion - which can costly and time-consuming.


Re-Roofing with APEEL

Versico's VersiWeld TPO with APEEL Protective Film is perfect for re-roofing jobs, removing the need to clean the roof after install.


Using APEEL on an Induction Welded System

This video showcases how to utilize VersiWeld APEEL Protective Film on an Induction Welded System.


Properly Cutting APEEL Protective Film

This video shows the proper way to cut APEEL Protective Film around penetrations and accessories without damaging the VersiWeld TPO membrane.